Even more photos of the 1954 Parade
 1954 - Showing more Turkey Day Parade and the King & Queen

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The truck has a sign that says "J. L. L." ,
meaning the float has members of the Junior Luther League.

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The "MYF" seen on this float means that some Methodist Youth Fellowship members are seen.

To make it easier to read, the Ellsworth News article is included below:

Turkey Day King & Queen Announced

     William Thompson of Clifton, Texas, pioneer turkey grower of Ellsworth, and Mrs. Thompson have been chosen to reign as King and Queen for Ellsworth's fifth annual Turkey Day to be held September 8.  They were chosen by the King and Queen Committee while Mr. and Mrs. Thompson were in Ellsworth recently and connected to return from Clifton for the event.

     With "Progress" the theme for Turkey Day this year, the growth of the industry follows closely the history of the Thompson Hatchery, from the year 1929 when Bill raised his first flock of 50 turkeys on the home farm located one mile east of Ellsworth; through 1930 with close to 1,000 raised an increase each year until 1935, when Ray Thopson joined his brother in the expanding program carried on at the farm.

     As other local farmers began buying poults from Bill and Ray, the demand became so great that the Thompson Hatchery was formed in 1937, with the first town unit being located in the building now owned by the Skartvedt Produce.

     The company also included Burnice Holt, formerly of Ellsworth but now of Clifton, Texas, where the company bought farm land.  The Bill Thompson and the Holts moved to Clifton in order to produce earlier eggs from which to obtain an earlier bird to be marketed when prices were at the top level.

     The story of "progress" in the community also includes the establishment here of a second turkey hatchery owned by Don Thoreson and manages by E. G. Peterson.  Don is an Ellsworth man and has had valuable experience in raising and marketing turkeys and is also a flock owner.  The Ellsworth Hatchery has made splendid progress since its opening two years ago.

     A high point in "progress" was reached with the forming of the Central Cooperative Turkey Producers of Ellsworth in 1945, designed to process and market close to 2,000,000 pounds of New York dressed turkeys that year, following the completion of the plant on October 12.   As the demand for New York dressed birds loosened, an eviscerating plant was added in 1952.  This year the plant plans to process 5,000,000 pounds with 100% eviscerated.

     The choice of Bill Thompson and his wife as King and Queen and their decision to travel from Texas to reign on this day is a mutual tribute to the pioneers in the industry and to the community as a whole.

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Crowning William (Bill) and Orent Thompson as the 1954 Turkey Day King and Queen

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Alvern Hill with the 1954 Turkey Day royalty

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The King and Queen receive flowers.

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The King and Queen are fully awarded Royalty

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Carolyn and Marilyn are riding with the Turkey Day King and Queen.

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